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Переведите пожалуйста,правильно.В переводчике сама могу

Dear Rosy,
We thought you"d like a real letter from America instead of an e-mail. We started it the way Americans do too.
Our first days in New York have been very busy, so this letter will be short.

May this year is very warm so on our first day we walked a lot. Emily was our guide, but it"s difficult to get lost in New York. It has a very clever system of streets and avenues. Streets run east to west across the island and are often called cross-streets, while avenues run north to south down the island.
First, we took the subway to the city centre. Most of the subway stations have the same names as the streets. We got off at Penn Station and walked to the Empire State Building.
There was a long queue to get to the top and after that we also wasted some time on an expensive attraction called Skyride (on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building). The advert made the ride look like fun, but the ride itself was just a short film about New York. When we finally left the Empire State Building, we didn"t have much time. We had a quick look at Rockefeller Center and some other famous skyscrapers and took the subway to Whitehall Street. From there we caught the ferry to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty.
In the evening we went to Broadway and saw one of the most famous musicals, Chicago. Did you know that Broadway isn"t just one of the longest avenues in Manhattan? It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theatres. This part of Broadway is also known as "the Great White Way" and is always full of tourists.
On the way home we got off the subway to have a look at the Guggenheim Museum. We didn"t go inside, but the building is really worth seeing! The next day we had a rest and spent a lazy day in Central Park, which is so huge that we nearly got lost.
Love from all of us, Rob and Mark

Work in pairs and make up a dialogue about space exploration.Speak about the following facts.

1) when space exploration began
2) what countries were the leaders in this process
3) who the first man to fly into space was
4) who he first woman to fly into space was
5) who the first space walker was
6) how long he spent outside the spaceship
7) which country carried on the programme of the Moon exploration

Что может быть интереснее путешествия? В нем человек находит себя, понимает что именно не так с тем местом, где он родился и вырос, и переосмысливает всю свою жизнь. Путешествие — это своего рода глоток свежести и вдохновения для новых начинаний. Начнем и мы! Let"s go!

Essay on My trip

Travelling is the most exciting thing in the world. First of all, it lets us discover the world and to see different countries, experience their cultures and traditions. Moreover, we enrich our knowledge about life in general and particularly about ourselves. Travelling also gives us an opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages and develop our skills. That’s why I’m trying to travel as much as possible.
The best trip I’ve ever had in my life was to France. Although it happened two years ago, but I still recall this wonderful time with a great pleasure. I went there with two of my friends and it was really the right decision, because we travelled by coach and the journey took a long time. We were playing cards on the way, singing songs and joking all the time. As we arrived we checked in a hotel not far from the center. We were exhausted but in a good mood.
The first day in Paris was fantastic. It was a bus tour around the city called Open Tour. We got on a bus at the nearest stop. It was amazing that it stopped in front of all sights, so we could get off and walk around the most famous places. We took thousands of photos of Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arch of Triumph and other monuments. We were impressed by the number of tourists and the beauty of the places we visited. We spent 4 other days in Paris, but this first time our impressions were thrilling.
The next days we visited plenty of museums and had some time for small shopping to buy souvenirs. Last evening we went on a small excursion by boat. It was amazing to be on board and to see all the sights again as if they were saying goodbye to us.
Thus, it was fantastic time and I hope to come back to Paris one day to get the same marvelous emotions there.

Сочинение на тему Мое путешествие

Путешествия — это самая захватывающая вещь в мире. Прежде всего, они позволяют нам познавать мир, а также увидеть различные страны, исследовать их культуру и традиции. Более того, мы обогащаем знания о жизни в целом, а также о нас самих в частности. Путешествия также дают нам возможность познакомиться с новыми интересными людьми, учить новые языки и развивать наши способности. Поэтому я стараюсь путешествовать как можно чаще.
Лучшее путешествие в моей жизни было во Францию. И хотя это было два года назад, я все еще вспоминаю это чудесное время с огромным удовольствием. Я ездила с двумя друзьями и это было действительно правильное решение, так как мы путешествовали на автобусе и поездка заняла много времени. В пути мы играли в карты, пели песни и все время шутили. По приезду мы зарегистрировались в отеле неподалеку от центра. Мы были изнурены, но в хорошем расположении духа.
Первый день в Париже был отличный. Это был автобусный тур под название Open Tour. Мы сели в автобус на ближайшей остановке. Было чудесно, что автобус останавливался у всех достопримечательностей, поэтому мы могли выйти и прогуляться по самым известным местам. Мы сделали тысячи фотографий Эйфелевой башни, Лувра, Триумфальной арки и других памятников. Мы были впечатлены количеством туристов и красотой мест, которые мы посетили. Мы провели еще 4 дня в Париже, но в этот первый день, наши впечатления были просто захватывающими.
В следующие дни мы посетили много музеев, и у нас было немного времени на походы по магазинам, чтобы купить сувениры. В последний вечер мы отправились на небольшую экскурсию на корабле. Находится на борту, и увидеть все достопримечательности снова было так чудесно, как будто они прощались с нами.
Итак, мы отлично провели время, и я надеюсь однажды снова вернуться в Париж, чтобы получить те же восхитительные эмоции.
Переведите пожалуйста,правильно.В переводчике сама могу

Dear Rosy,
We thought you"d like a real letter from America instead of an e-mail. We started it the way Americans do too.
Our first days in New York have been very busy, so this letter will be short.

May this year is very warm so on our first day we walked a lot. Emily was our guide, but it"s difficult to get lost in New York. It has a very clever system of streets and avenues. Streets run east to west across the island and are often called cross-streets, while avenues run north to south down the island.
First, we took the subway to the city centre. Most of the subway stations have the same names as the streets. We got off at Penn Station and walked to the Empire State Building.
There was a long queue to get to the top and after that we also wasted some time on an expensive attraction called Skyride (on the 2nd floor of the Empire State Building). The advert made the ride look like fun, but the ride itself was just a short film about New York. When we finally left the Empire State Building, we didn"t have much time. We had a quick look at Rockefeller Center and some other famous skyscrapers and took the subway to Whitehall Street. From there we caught the ferry to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty.
In the evening we went to Broadway and saw one of the most famous musicals, Chicago. Did you know that Broadway isn"t just one of the longest avenues in Manhattan? It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theatres. This part of Broadway is also known as "the Great White Way" and is always full of tourists.
On the way home we got off the subway to have a look at the Guggenheim Museum. We didn"t go inside, but the building is really worth seeing! The next day we had a rest and spent a lazy day in Central Park, which is so huge that we nearly got lost.
Love from all of us, Rob and Mark

Work in pairs and make up a dialogue about space exploration.Speak about the following facts.

1) when space exploration began
2) what countries were the leaders in this process
3) who the first man to fly into space was
4) who he first woman to fly into space was
5) who the first space walker was
6) how long he spent outside the spaceship
7) which country carried on the programme of the Moon exploration

An ideal tourist Travel to Europe Botaeva V eronika

Europe is hot favorite destination spot for tourists. You can travel to Europe anytime you want. There are many marvelous places in Europe. To name few are Chamonix, Prague, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, and Norway. All this cities are covered with ski resorts, castle, beautiful bridges, and snow sports areas like snowboarding, skiing etc. Besides there are aesthetic mountains, hills and small shops decked with your favorite things. It’s really a different experience to visit Europe during winters. You can enjoy snowshoeing, ice fishing, reindeer ride and many others.

Like there are few best places to visit Europe during winter, there are also few good places to visit during summer. Few of them are London, Vienna, Barcelona, Dublin, Venice, Paris, Athens, Helsinki, and Lisbon. Europe is also rich in culture and heritage. It has many ancient monuments, lovely shops, museum, park like marina and Guel , decent theatres and galleries. Few renowned museums are British museums, natural history museums etc. all the countries are decorated beautifully. Everyone has something stored in it to see and enjoy. Even the little shops and castles are beautifully designed and litter up. May be this is the reason why European countries is like a city of dreams to everyone. It’s really an excellent place for your relaxation.

The best part to travel in European countries like US, Canada is to travel by train. European countries have a very good railway network spread all over. Most of the people in Europe prefer travelling by train rather than airways, shipping etc. compared to North American railways the European trains are cheaper, environmental friendly, punctual and have high speed. It requires less fuel compared to car and airways. Even, if you book in advance they will cost you less

If you want to travel to European countries like Canada, US etc. it can be a bit expensive for. Travel through airways to Europe places like France, Rome, Paris, London etc. are bit more higher. Students can travel to Europe at a discount rate through consolidator ticket. For this, they have to contact wholesale dealer or travel agency

Therefore, I suggest shoulder time is the best time to visit Europe. There will be less people and even the accommodation, transportation cost will be reduced.

So, what are you waiting for if you have not visit Europe yet make it as your next holiday destination. You can get avail of the travelling tickets through internet or online. Not only ticket you can also book accommodation hotel, guest house, lodge etc.

Идеальный турист – это человек, который просто действительно хочет отдохнуть. Который мечтает о путешествии. И не важно, сколько он готов на путешествие потратить. Главное, чтобы у него было желание отдохнуть, куда-то съездить, что-то посмотреть, узнать что-то новое. Тогда он становится идеальным туристом.

Идеальный турист – это человек, который просто действительно хочет отдохнуть. Который мечтает о путешествии. И не важно, сколько он готов на путешествие потратить. Главное, чтобы у него было желание отдохнуть, куда-то съездить, что-то посмотреть, узнать что-то новое. Тогда он становится идеальным туристом.

Определить язык Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский Клингонский (pIqaD) азербайджанский албанский английский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Источник: Цель:

Результаты (английский ) 1:

Ideal tourist is a person who just really wants to relax. Who dreams of traveling. And no matter how much he is willing to spend on travel. The main thing is that he had a desire to take a break, somewhere to go, something to show, learn something new. Then he becomes a perfect tourist.

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