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Global problems are those which affect not only one individual but the whole mankind. They can’t be solved in one day and require organized efforts from the world community. If people leave these problems unsettled, it may lead to serious consequences in the future. It will affect all humanity and environment.

All in all, global problems are the following: environmental pollution, climate change, resource issues, overpopulation, nuclear weapons and some others. Speaking about pollution, I’d like to mention the Chernobyl disaster, which was the result of reckless economic activities. At the moment, many forests and rivers are also endangered due to careless attitude. In the 21st century our world faces one of the most urgent problems – the climate change. The earth is warming up. As a result some species and their habitats suffer. Recent years have shown increasing temperatures in some regions and extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

The shortage of resources is another pressing issue. Natural resources are limited and we can’t use them carelessly. The increasing number of factories is the root of this problem. The world’s population will soon reach an intolerable level and this will lead to the shortage of resources as well. To avoid the catastrophe this growth must be stopped. Many environmental and social problems are the result of overpopulation.

Nuclear weapon is one of the most terrifying global problems. The use of such weapon is against any international law. Apart from nuclear there is also chemical weapon and biological. Another threatening problem nowadays is terrorism. It endangers life of every person on the earth.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Глобальными являются те проблемы, которые влияют не только на одного человека, но на все человечество. Их нельзя решить в течение одного дня, они требует организованных усилий со стороны мирового сообщества. Если люди оставят эти проблемы нерешенными, это может привести к серьезным последствиям в будущем. Это повлияет на все человечество и окружающую среду.

В целом, к глобальным проблемам относятся: загрязнение окружающей среды, изменение климата, проблемы с ресурсами, перенаселенность, ядерное оружие и некоторые другие. Говоря о загрязнении, я хотел бы выделить, Чернобыльскую катастрофу, которая явилась результатом безрассудной экономической деятельности. На данный момент, многие леса и реки также опасности в результате небрежного отношения. В 21-м веке наш мир переживает одну из наиболее актуальных проблем – изменения климата. Земля разогревается.

В результате некоторые особи и их среда обитания страдают. Последние годы показали повышение температуры в некоторых регионах и экстремальные погодные условия, в том числе ураганы, землетрясения и цунами. Нехватка ресурсов одна из актуальных проблем.

Природные ресурсы ограничены, и мы не можем использовать их небрежно. Увеличивающееся количество заводов является корнем этой проблемы. Населения в мире скоро достигнет недопустимого уровня, и это также приведет к нехватке ресурсов. Чтобы избежать катастрофы, данный рост должен быть остановлен. Многие экологические и социальные проблемы являются результатом перенаселения.

Ядерное оружие является одним из самых страшных глобальных проблем. Использование такого оружия любым международным законам. Помимо ядерного оружия, есть ещё и химическое и биологическое. Другой угрожающей проблемой в настоящее время является терроризм. Он ставит под угрозу жизнь каждого человека на земле.

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People have lived in our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. (люди живут на нашей планете Земля веками, и глобальные проблемы всегда существуют.)

In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. (В древние времена самой большой глобальной проблемой были войны)

People have been fighting with each other since beginning of the civilization mostly to get new territories and more land. (Люди сражались друг с другом с начала цивилизации главным образом, чтобы получить новые территории и больше земли.)

Today, there are more global problems which can be divided into two categories: ecological problems and social, economic and political issues. (Сегодня есть много глобальных проблем, которые могут быть разделены на две категории: экологические проблемы и социальные, экономические и политические проблемы/вопросы)

The first category includes issues relating to ecological destruction, pollution and global warming as the result. (Первая категория включает вопросы, относящиеся к экологическому разрушению, загрязнению и глобальному потеплению как результату.)

The climate is changing and many people agree that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. (Климат меняется, и многие люди согласны, что климатическое изменение может быть одно из самых больших угроз встретившееся планете.)

Global warming has already killed off some types of animals and plants. (Глобальное потепление уже уничтожило некоторые виды животных и растений)

Rising sea levels are threatening whole nations on islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. (Повышение морских уровней угрожает целым народам на остравах в Тихом и Индийском океанах)

The second category of global problems deals with social, economic and political issues. (Вторая категория глобальных проблем касается социальных, экономических и политических вопросов/тем)

They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many others. (Они включают глобальный терроризм, бедность, права человека, вопросы здоровья, расизм и много других)

We are faced with the problem of global terrorism. And more and more countries are suffering from it. (Мы сталкиваемся с проблемой глобального терроризма. И больше и больше стран страдает от него.)

It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts. (Трудно ловить террористов и предотвращать их действия)

The most terrible terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001 in the USA. (Самый ужасный террористический акт случился 11 сентября 2001 в США)

The World Trade Centre, one of the sym¬bols of New York City, was destroyed completely and thou¬sands of people died. (Мировой Торговый Центр был полностью разрушен и тысячи людей погибли.)

The world was shocked and most coun¬tries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terror¬ist attacks have been committed. (Мир был шокирован и большинство стран решило бороться против терроризма. Однако, новые террористические атаки совершаются.)

Poverty is another global problem. The worst situation is in Africa where people (mostly children) die every day of hunger. (Бедность - еще одна глобальная проблема. Самая плохая ситуация в Африке, где люди (главным образом дети) умирают каждый день от голода.)

The poor also have less access to health, education and other services. (Бедняк также имеет меньший доступ к здравоохранению, образованию и другому обслуживанию)

Incurable diseases and epidemics also are global challenge for humanity. (Неизлечимые болезни и эпидемии также являются глобальным вызовом/проблемой для человечества.)

Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and different skin colour are humiliated and even killed. (еще одна глобальная проблема - расизм, когда люди различных рас и цвета кожи унижаемы и даже убиваемы.)

There are many organisations that fight social global problems, but this battle has lasted for a long time and it will take much time for the solution of all of them. (Есть много организаций, которые борются с социальными глобальными проблемами, но эта борьба длится долгое время и будет занимать много времени для решения всех из них)

We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. (Мы живем в 21 веке, и человечество сделало большой прогресс в технологии, поэтому я полагаю, странно, что мы все еще имеем глобальные проблемы, особенно те, которые имеют отношение к социальным, экономическим и политическим вопросам.)

I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars. (Я уверена, что они могут быть решены без каких-либо конфликтов или войн.)

Global Problems of Today
People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. People have been fighting with each other since the beginning of the civilisation mostly to get new territories and more land. Later, fighting the distance was another global problem, too, before the discovery of the plane. Today, there are more global problems which can be divided into two categories: ecological problems and social, eco¬nomic and political issues.
The first category includes issues relating to ecological destruction, pollution and global warming as the result. The climate is changing and many people agree that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Many people think that a rise in temperature of about three or four degrees is not very much, but the effects are worse than it seems at first sight. Global warming has already killed off some types of animals and plants. There have been more and more heat waves in the summer, with many people dying in big cities. Rising sea levels are threatening whole nations on low-lying islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The second category of global problems deals with social, economic and political issues. They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many others.
We are faced with the problem of global terrorism and more and more countries are suffering from it. It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts. The most terrible terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001 in the USA. The World Trade Centre, the pride of all Americans and one of the symbols of New York City, was destroyed completely and thousands of people died. The world was shocked and most countries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terrorist attacks have been committed. Many innocent people still get killed and nobody can stop terrorists.
Poverty is another global problem. It may seem surprising, but most of humanity lives on just a few dollars a day now. The worst situation is in Africa where people (mostly children) die every day of hunger because they have nothing to eat. The poor also have less access to health, education and other services. Problems of hunger, malnutrition and diseases affect the poorest in society.
Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and different skin colour are humiliated and even killed. There are many organisations that fight social global problems, but this battle has lasted for a long time and it will take much time for the solution of all of them.
We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars.

1. Вступление по теме (People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. People have been fighting with each other since the beginning of the civilisation mostly to get new territories and more land. Later, fighting the distance was another global problem, too, before the discovery of the plane.).
2. Рассказать о двух группах глобальных проблем и о каждой в отдельности (two categories; ecological problems: ecological destruction, pollution and global warming; climate change; killed off some types of animals and plants; heat waves in the summer; many people dying in big cities; rising sea levels; social, economic and political issues: global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism; terrorists, most terrible terrorist attack, fight against terrorism, new terrorist attacks, innocent people; poverty, Africa, die of hunger, less access to health, education and other services; racism, humiliated and killed, organisations, fight social global problems).
3. Заключение (We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars.).

1. What global problems were there in the past?
2. What are the two categories of global problems now?
3. What does the first category include?
4. Why is global warming considered a global problem?
5. How does it affect nature?
6. What global problems does the second category include?
7. Why is terrorism a global problem?
8. Is poverty a big issue nowadays? Why?
9. What is racism and why is it a global problem?
10. What other global problems can you mention?
11. In what way can we fight global problems?
12. What global problem do you think is the biggest one? Why?

Problems Проблемы
climate change изменение климата
diseases болезни
ecological экологические
economic экономические
educational образовательные
environmental связанные с окружающей средой
financial crisis финансовый кризис
global глобальные
global warming глобальное потепление
health здравоохранение
hunger голод
malnutrition недоедание
political политические
pollution загрязнение
poverty бедность
racism расизм
social социальные
technological технологические
terrorism терроризм

As participants of a global society, we should keep ourselves educated about the current environmental issues that affect us all. Many of these issues are global and have the ability to escalade rapidly. World leaders are well aware of these problems. Problems like peak oil, global hunger, global warming, extinction of species, and many more are making headlines around the world.

In this article, I have selected 5 major global issues that are relevant today and are threatening our global society. Although each of the issues mentioned below are equally serious, some of these issues might be more relevant to you than for other readers. They are not in any particular order, but should be given equal attention.

1. Extinction of wild animals

4. Economic collapse

The American government spends about 3.8 trillion dollars and produces about 2.2 trillion dollars annually. To make up for this deficit, our government borrows the difference in the form of government bonds from investors and banks. Some of these are foreign banks. Currently, the government owes about 14 trillion dollars in bonds and interests. So instead of raising taxes or cutting down government spending, America chooses to add money into circulation, which is causing inflation and bringing down the value of the dollar. In fact, we are currently recovering from the biggest inflation event in history. This inflation is causing global inflation because the corporations who were counting on money from America are not receiving this money.

5. Global warming

Global warming is considered to be one of the most dangerous threats that our culture has ever faced. Global warming is responsible for catastrophic weather events, water shortages, crop failures, changes in cloud formation patterns, ocean current, sea-level rise, and many other climatic changes. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, CFC, and other green house gases are responsible for these negative effects. When these gases get trapped in our atmosphere, they tend to cause the global temperature to rise, melt the ice caps, and deplete the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Humans are arguably playing a major role in the destruction of Mother Nature’s systems and inherent balance. To fight against pollution, we will need to change our way of thinking and extent to how we consume resources. If we do not take any action against pollution, we will continue to alter the chemical composition of this planet and compromise the stability and sustainability of life itself.

So what do you think? Please let us know your thoughts on global issues and sustainability issues. Thanks for being our valuable visitor.

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The consequences of the scientific and technological revolution that has occurred in the middle of the twentieth century continue to affect the way of life of people around the world and the force of impact has been increasing from year to year. As a result of the desire of mankind to facilitate work, automate production processes and create more comfortable living conditions, entirely new problems of a global scale have appeared.The increase of the production processes efficiency by means of various machines allowed to expand commodity production and to facilitate the work of man, but at the same time, the unemployment level has increased, and the crisis of overproduction has intensified. Annually the number of unemployed people is growing around the world, almost in every European country the unemployment rate varies from 10 to 20%. This global problem is also a consequence of overpopulation of the planet.Production workshops that work to create new gadgets, tools, devices, equipment, which are designed to create more comfortable living conditions, brings the state of the planet"s ecological system to a critical point. In the near future, scientists predict an increase in major natural disasters connected with the changing climatic conditions on a global scale.

However, the most important problem remains the disposal of liquid and solid waste, radioactive substances. If all states do not begin to introduce and tighten new laws on environmental protection, soon there will be nothing to save. Meanwhile, overpopulation of the planet does not help improve the situation. Resources of the globe are calculated by no more than 10 billion people, the number of people exceeded the 7.5 billion mark as for 2017. But such a state of things can be an impetus to even greater progress in science and to bring closer such an inevitable event as the colonization of another planet.

Concerning the prospects of the planet Earth and its inhabitants, if in the near future mankind does not pay attention to the acute problems of the present, the world expects global ecological and economic catastrophes.


Последствия научно-технической революции, которая произошла в середине двадцатого века, продолжают воздействовать на уклад жизни людей по всему миру и сила воздействия с каждым годом увеличивается. В результате стремления человечества к облегчению труда, автоматизации производственных процессов и созданию более комфортных условий жизни, появились совершенно новые проблемы глобального масштаба.

Увеличение эффективности производственных процессов при помощи различных машин позволило расширить товарное производство и облегчить труд человека, но вместе с тем увеличился уровень безработицы и углубился кризис перепроизводства. Ежегодно число безработных людей растет по всему миру, почти в каждой европейской стране процент безработицы колеблется от 10 до 20%. Эта глобальная проблема является также следствием перенаселения планеты.

Производственные цеха, работающие на создание новых гаджетов, инструментов, приспособлений, оборудования, предназначенных для улучшения комфортных бытовых условий, подводит состояние экологической системы планеты к критической точке. В ближайшем будущем ученые прогнозируют учащение крупных природных катаклизмов, связанных с изменением климатических условий в общемировом масштабе.

Однако наиболее важной проблемой остается утилизация жидких и твердых отходов, радиоактивных веществ. Если все государства не начнут внедрять и ужесточать новые законы о защите окружающей среды, вскоре спасать будет нечего.

Тем временем, перенаселение планеты не способствует улучшению ситуации. Ресурсы земного шара рассчитаны не более чем на 10 миллиардов человек, по данным за 2017 год число людей превысило отметку в 7.5 миллиардов. Но такое положение вещей может стать толчком к еще большему прогрессу в науке и приблизить такое неизбежное событие как колонизация другой планеты.

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